Science ATL Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that brings people together through the wonder of science.
Founded in 2014 by Emory University, Georgia Tech, and the Metro Atlanta Chamber, Science ATL produces events and school programs that cultivate an equitable community of science lovers in metro Atlanta. We offer year-round science engagement for all ages through public events, including guided nature hikes, science storytelling, and the annual Atlanta Science Festival which has reached more than 500,000 people in the metro Atlanta region. The two-week Festival celebrates local science and technology every March, and culminates in the Exploration Expo, Atlanta’s biggest interactive family science event. Science ATL also engages deeply with schools and youth through its youth STEM leadership and school partnership programs.
Through all of these initiatives, we are committed to build an equitable community of science lovers in Atlanta, and we focus efforts to engage with youth and families from historically marginalized groups. Last year, we partnered with 77 schools in low Child Well-Being zip codes, and ensured that 75% of our STEM professional volunteers were from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic/gender groups in the sciences – because representation matters.
As a Science ATL sponsor, you can support our programs, engage your employees as volunteers, and share family learning opportunities with your constituents. With your support, we can bring even more people together through the wonder of science!